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Faaborg Pharma

helo® SOS ointment


helo® SOS ointment (62% fat content) is emergency SOS care and an effective rescue when it comes to damaged and strained skin on both the body, face and lips. It is a particularly effective ointment against extra dry and rough skin, dry patches and strained nipples during breastfeeding.

If you suffer from very dry or damaged skin locally on exposed areas, helo® SOS ointment is recommended. In addition, it also has a protective effect that suits your child's skin in frosty weather against red, chapped cheeks. This is because it is enriched with caring and natural ingredients.

Contains almond and coconut oil, which both protect, soothe and soften. Even the most dry and damaged skin areas will feel silky smooth again.

helo® SOS ointment binds the moisture and fats in the skin and thereby achieves faster relief of damaged skin. For example, saccaded hands and knuckles in the cold weather during the winter months.

Contains panthenol (vitamin B5) which accelerates the natural repair process of damaged and strained skin. In addition, panthenol (vitamin B5) has a moisture-binding effect and reduces moisture loss in the skin, which ensures well-moisturized and elastic skin.

Læs mere

Boswellia: Hæmmer irritation og lindrer ubehag ved tør og skællende hud.
Vitamin B12: Dæmper kløe og irritation og fremmer hudens opheling, så udseendet af huden forbedres.
Urea: Styrker hudens barriere og nedsætter vandfordampningen. Dens opblødende egenskaber hjælper de aktive
stoffer og genopbygger en glat, smidig og velplejet hud.
helo® PSO scalp gel er en ny og unik gel med boswellia, vitamin B12 og urea til hovedbund, hårgrænse, skæg, øjenbryn
eller andre områder med hår. Gelen lindrer tør, kløende og skællende hud, og udseendet af huden forbedres.
Også velegnet til hud med tendens til psoriasis i hovedbunden.


Aqua (water), Cocos Nucifera Oil (coconut oil), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride (moisturizer), Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Oil (almond oil), Butylene Glycol (moisturizer), Stearic Acid (fatty and emulsifying), Panthenol (regenerating), Glyceryl Stearate ( fattening and emulsifying), Triethanolamine (emulsifying).



Påføres 1-2 gange dagligt i 4 uger, herefter 2 gange ugentligt efter behov. Påføres det angrebne område i et tyndt lag
og bedst på en let fugtet hårbund. Lad tørre helt. Du kan trygt anvende helo PSO scalp gel i længere perioder.

Bør ikke anvendes til børn under 3 år, gravide eller ammende.

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helo® SOS ointment